Employment Insurance

Employment Insurance ("EI") refers to the benefits program operated by Service Canada. There are six types of EI benefit available to qualifying individuals. The most common EI benefit, however, is the 'regular benefit' which is available to those individuals who, through no fault of their own, lose their job.

If you are laid off, fired or let go by your employer, it is important to promptly apply for EI benefits. If you delay applying for benefits beyond 4 weeks after your last day of work, there is a risk that you may lose your entitlement. Also, if you voluntarily left your employment (by resigning, for example) or were fired for misconduct, you may not be found eligible to receive EI regular benefits.

Employment and Labour Laws are not always straightforward, but whether you are an employee or an employer, understanding your rights and duties will only stand to benefit you. Reach out to an employment lawyer or labour lawyer today if you have any questions and be sure to get what you deserve and safeguard yourself for the future. The lawyers at Vey Willetts LLP have a proven track record and are happy to assist.  

Our employment lawyers and labour lawyers serve clients throughout Ontario. 

Call us today at 1-800-296-7989 or fill out our online form.