Denial of Disability Benefits

One advantage of being an employee can be access to short and/or long term disability benefits. Most of us may never need to rely upon these entitlements. When something goes wrong, however, it is important to ensure you and your family are provided with the financial support you need to focus on what matters: your health.

Third party insurance companies are often retained by employers to administer benefit programs and assess the merit of individual claims. Dealing with an insurance company can be onerous, time consuming and stressful.

When you first make a claim for benefits ensure that you:

  1. Remain calm and polite at all times;
  2. Take requests and timelines put to you by your benefits provider seriously; and
  3. Follow your health care provider's advice.

If you find that your short or long term disability benefits have been denied, do not give up. Our disability lawyers regularly help employees appeal from a denial of benefits. We assist individuals by offering representation, and ensuring that the insurance company receives the information it requires, to approve your receipt of benefits.

Employment and Labour Laws are not always straightforward, but whether you are an employee or an employer, understanding your rights and duties will only stand to benefit you. Reach out to an employment lawyer or labour lawyer today if you have any questions and be sure to get what you deserve and safeguard yourself for the future. The lawyers at Vey Willetts LLP have a proven track record and are happy to assist.  

Our employment lawyers and labour lawyers serve clients throughout Ontario. 

Call us today at 1-800-296-7989 or fill out our online form.